Travel Related Courses

Courses Currently Offered:

Courses coming soon...

Travel Courses Coming Soon:

Drone Mastery™

Drone Mastery™ is a Trademark of Robert D. Ashby and Visual Approach Photography, LLC. This course is currently taught in person and is being developed into an online course, which will be made available here and at the Drone Mastery™ website in the near future.

NOTE: Be very careful with drone courses online as many have wrong regulatory information and even display the instructor violating countless regulations in their own productions. For example, when discussing maximum altitude, they may state that AGL means height above your takeoff point, but this is WRONG and will potenitally get you a fine, or worse case, get your drone license revoked. AGL specific means “Above Ground Level” and that altitude changes with the terrain, so your drone’s app may say less than 400 feet height, but the ground sloped down and you are now in violation of the regulations. I can go into more cases in these videos (flying in/near clouds, BVLOS, etc), so please be careful who you get your information from and if in doubt, at least within the United States, feel free to contact us as Robert D. Ashby is a DronePro® on the FAA Safety Team.